Covid-19 Update from Bobby Jones Links

Trainer Bios

Trainer Bios

Ideally located in sunny Palm Beach Gardens, Florida at Eastpointe Country Club, a premier private country club since 1974. Join us February 13-14 to learn how to transform your organization through culture, leadership, and service training.

Gautam Patankar

Chief Experience Officer at Bobby Jones Links
As the Chief Experience Officer at Bobby Jones Links, Gautam's work includes building a personalized customer journey at each of the company’s managed properties, developing a high-performing leadership team, and training the front-line staff to understand their true value in moving the bottom line through exemplary customer service. He is passionate about building employee and service-centric club cultures. Gautam is the standard bearer for instilling Bobby Jones Links’ 17 service standards at all properties and educating team members on the company's core purpose: to make a difference. Gautam also works with hospitality organizations outside of BJL’s portfolio to create a cultural foundation driven by a core purpose, core values, and detailed service standards. His journey into the golf industry started as a caddy as a junior golfer. After graduating from Rutgers University, where he played on the golf team, he managed country clubs of all types before focusing on developing golf industry leaders and staff to be as passionate as he is about serving others. Gautam has been invited to speak at several national Customer Experience (CX) Conferences, such as the NGCX Conference in Boston, MA and the Customer Contact Week Conference in Nashville, TN, as well as the Argyle Leadership Forum, a virtual leadership and learning education company.

Allyson Kahl Darling

Regional Director Bobby Jones Links Company
Allyson Kahl Darling, a Charleston, SC native, has been a member of the Bobby Jones Links Leadership team for seven years. After graduating from Johnson and Wales University, she has held club management positions from Kiawah Island and the greater Charleston area to the greater Charlotte market. Her dedication to developing a strong culture of personalized and customer-focused service and building a strong leadership team have both allowed Allyson to continue to instill the Bobby Jones Links service standards at the Clubs that she manages as well as other Clubs in the BJL portfolio. A true believer in employee and service-based culture, Allyson is passionate about motivation, creativity, team building, and development. She is a champion of the importance of defining core values that are unique to an organization and using those values to implement operational standards that allow your culture to move your bottom line.

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