Covid-19 Update from Bobby Jones Links

Bobby Jones Links' CEO Visits With Congressional Representatives

Whitney Crouse, Bobby Jones Links’ CEO and a National Golf Course Association board member, joined four other team members from Georgia to advocate for three important Industry legislative issues during National Golf Day activities in Washington, D.C.

Crouse, along with Asa High (Frederica Golf Club), Chris Steigelman (The Landings), Tenia Workman (GGSA), and Stephen Donnell (Yamaha Motor Company), visited with the legislative aides for Senators Ossoff and Warnock and Congressmen Carter, McCormick, and Loudermilk. The team advocated for more funding for turf research, The P.H.I.T Act, and amending an important tax law that will benefit every club in the United States.

Teams from the other 49 states fanned out across Washington as well, visiting their representatives to lobby for these three important issues.

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