Covid-19 Update from Bobby Jones Links

Insights and Advice

Management Advice
Our 2024 State Of The Industry Report
This quick read reveals some surprising new data and trends you should know.
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Why Bobby Jones Links?
Why Professional Management?
There are some very compelling reasons why professional management will make a significant difference at any club.
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Management Advice
Continual Capital Investment, What Bucket Are You In?
The importance of forward-looking capital plans, strong balance sheets, and the indisputable fact that private clubs compete on value, not price.
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Management Advice
The Two Golden Rules of Construction and Renovation
If you plan for these two, your project will be a success.
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Management Advice
Good Boards, Poor Boards, and Knowing The Difference
Some club boards have mastered excellent governance and deliver remarkable results. Yet others need to improve more, creating more problems than they solve.
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Why Bobby Jones Links?
Lies, Damn Lies, and Key Club Statistics
We don’t adhere to the first two, but what follows are some key statistics a club owner must know.
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Management Advice
The Membership Curve You Should Not Ignore
A successful membership plan attracts and retains members of all ages.
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Management Advice
On, or In? What Kind of Board Are You?
Knowing which one is extremely important to your success.
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Management Advice
Club Governance Best Practice Guide
We offer this guide to assist you in the governance of your club. It is based on our significant experience over the years.
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Management Advice
The Top Three Membership Retention Strategies
Member retention often plays a subservient role to new membership sales. But it shouldn’t. It is just as important.
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Thought Provoking
Embracing the Swing of Change
How technology is revolutionizing golf – and a surprise ending.
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About Robert Tyre Jones Jr.
Our Favorite Bobby Jones Quotes
Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball as it lies."
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About Robert Tyre Jones Jr.
Fascinating Facts About The Incredible Bobby Jones
There is so much you may not know about this remarkable man.
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